Friday, July 31, 2009

Negra Modelo

One of the benefits of being a beer pimp other than pimpin beer all day, free beer all the time and tickets to cool shit, is the BP get all the new stuff.

Beer Pimp "k"nowledge -- Negra Modelo rocks and is on draft for the first time in the US.

After a day of pimpin numbers head to Tropisueno, 75 Yerba Beuna Lane. Manuel the bar manager was pulling ice cold, amazing Negra Modelo out of a brand new tap system. The food rocks too.

And, the Negra is unbelievable good. Like unsweetened chocolate. Dark, vienna style lager. You won't even notice that you finished the first one.

The Beer Pimp gets the beer out. Pimp that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First time in US history?! THAT is pimpin'!!