Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Lot's of numbers and analytical skill. But more important than analytical skill is another skill. I call it the quick answer. Let's say your are sitting at your desk posting to your blog, pimp style, sharing knowledge and trading war stories. Good stuff. Your VP is creeping down the hall, POW, he comes in your office. He asks you some ridiculous warm up question: "So is so and so still out of town?" SMAP there it comes, "So, what are you working on right now?" A true pimp, in any field has easily 6 to 8 answers to this question. Pimping aint easy.


Anonymous said...

and where ARE the answers? also, are you pimpin' this blog out in terms of traffic, uniques and hits? pimp dat! killa deal on Miller High Life 24 packs at Pac N Save on San Pablo in da HOOD - YO!

Beer Pimp said...

All of the above my friend, all of the above. Thanks for the tip friend of Beer Pimp